New Account Setup

Please complete all fields and upload the requested documents (in PDF or JPG format) to create a new ML Schedules™ Software user account and related Group(s).

Class Description
Group 1 Applies to school curriculum or co-curriculum groups, township recreation programs (excluding the use of the auditorium), school sponsored organizations, groups consisting of 50 percent of West Ottawa employees or those closely related to the school itself or the school program.  School sponsored groups including Scouts, PTAs/PTOs, Booster Clubs, and not-for-profit athletic groups made up of West Ottawa students.  Use by school groups shall always be given first priority over school-related groups, outside recreation programs, and school sponsored groups.
Group 2 Not for profit athletics or recreation, religious and non-partisan civic groups within the West Ottawa School District.
Group 3

Any other groups which includes non-resident and for-profit institutions (includes residence).  Fund raising activities and recreation clubs.

Group 4 Outside groups consisting of 90% West Ottawa students which agree to the following conditions: no more than six (6) separate dates, reservation during regularly staffed hours but not during the school day, no West Ottawa staff set-up or clean-up required, and require no special accommodations. This group would include West Ottawa students practicing for external athletic or academic teams, for example. It is strictly limited and requires the submission of the names of all participants and a supervising adult who is a resident and/or an employee of West Ottawa. The group shall be treated as "Group 2" after its first six (6) reservations. A group can lose this status for a single infraction of these rules.
Group 5 Driving schools only that consits of 90% WOPS students.  The driving school are required to submit a list of attendees for approval. 

User Information


Group Information

Additional Group Information

External / Outside Groups: Upload the Group's Certificate of Insurance and its Expiration Date.

Additional Group Files
  • File1